Anthony Peng

Robust Principles: Architectural Design Principles for Adversarially Robust CNNs

British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2023
Best Poster Award
#1 on RobustBench CIFAR-10 Learderboard


We aim to unify existing works’ diverging opinions on how architectural components affect the adversarial robustness of CNNs. To accomplish our goal, we synthesize a suite of three generalizable robust architectural design principles: (a) optimal range for depth and width configurations, (b) preferring convolutional over patchify stem stage, and (c) robust residual block design through adopting squeeze and excitation blocks and non-parametric smooth activation functions. Through extensive experiments across a wide spectrum of dataset scales, adversarial training methods, model parameters, and network design spaces, our principles consistently and markedly improve AutoAttack accuracy: 1-3 percentage points (pp) on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, and 4-9 pp on ImageNet.

We synthesize a suite of generalizable architectural design principles to robustify CNNs, spanning a network’s macro and micro designs: (A) optimal range for depth and width configurations, (B) preferring convolutional over patchify stem stage, and (C) robust residual block design by adopting squeeze and excitation blocks, and non-parametric smooth activation functions. The principles consis- tently and markedly improve AutoAttack accuracy for CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet over the wide spectrum of AT methods, model parameters, and network design spaces.


    title={Robust Principles: Architectural Design Principles for Adversarially Robust CNNs},
    author={Peng, ShengYun and Xu, Weilin and Cornelius, Cory and Hull, Matthew and Li, Kevin and Duggal, Rahul and Phute, Mansi and Martin, Jason and Chau, Duen Horng},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16258},